Clifford’s Grating Shear offers the ability to cut panels to length in line on standard grating welders, or can be used as a stand-alone machine.


Traditional methods of cutting gratings such as the use of band saws, cold saws or manually using gas torches are a thing of the past. Clifford’s new grating shear is designed to automate the cutting process allowing for fast cutting of programmable cut lengths, giving greater efficiency and flexibility than traditional methods. The grating shear can be integrated into any standard grating welder producing either cut-to-length or off-coil gratings or can be used as a stand-alone unit.


Input Table

Input Table:

This table holds the grating at the entrance of the machine and is usually supplied by the customer.

Feeding Carriage & Roller Table

Side Clamps & Linebar Grippers keep the grating in position and fed via a servo drive into the portal

Side Clamps and Grippers
Grating Shear

Versatile Grating Shear:

  • Automatic height adjustment to suit bar height
  • Axis rotation for automated angled cuts
  • Matches existing welder speed

Compact Grating Shear

If factory space is an issue, we can supply you with the smaller and more compact version of our Sheer. Find out more…

Grating Shear Blade

Long Life Blades:

  • Symmetrical (reverse them before sharpening)
  • Reusable (Sharpen only after reversing)
Output Table

The Output table stores your cut grating


Clifford understands that workplace safety is a priority, our fail-safe protection systems using light curtains ensures operator safety at all times, yet doesn’t get in the way of efficient production.


Need some help?

We have dedicated sales consultants and agents near you to help define your requirements. Our machines are custom-designed to ensure our machines meet your needs.